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Hosted by Esterita Rajsky
625 Avenue Road


Tues, May 22, 2018
2pm - 4pm

For more information, please contact Chaya Rabins:


416 631 5703

Vivien Brown



Dr. Vivien Brown is a family physician in Toronto, Canada, a well-known national and international speaker and author of A Woman’s Guide to Healthy Aging – Seven essential ways to keep you vital, happy and strong.

She is Vice-President of Medical Affairs, Medisys Health Group, focusing on advancing and promoting preventative healthcare.

Dr. Brown is active in numerous organizations including, past President of the Federation of Medical Women of Canada, Former Chair of the Consumer Education Committee for the North American Menopause Society, board member of the Women’s Brain Health Initiative, and Health Choices First, as well as numerous provincial and federal advisory bodies.

Dr. Brown’s speaking engagements focus on reducing cancer risks and prevention, adult immunization and vaccine-preventable diseases, stress in the workplace and stress management, health promotion and healthy aging, osteoporosis prevention, menopause and healthy hormonal alternatives, and women and health.