Jewish values and traditions had always played a important role in the lives of our parents, Rose and Sol.
Our Mother emigrated from Poland as a young child and was the second eldest of five children, the only daughter. Our Father, born in Portland, Oregon was also the second eldest but unfortunately the eldest brother died in his thirteenth year. That loss left our Dad as the oldest of five children, also a family of four sons and a daughter.
Rose and Sol’s marriage began November 7th, 1943 and they also had a family of five children. Their romance began with a box of Chanukah candles and spanned just over fifty years of togetherness.
Looking back on our childhood, Jewish values were ever present. Our parents were among the first twenty-five families that founded Beth Sholom Synagogue in Toronto. They observed a Kosher home, where acts of caring and kindness were hallmarks of our family environment. Our home and our family cottage were a sanctuary not just for their children, and later grandchildren, but for a never ending trail of family and friends. The “Welcome Mat” was always out.
We all live through many seasons in our journey of life. Our season of childhood shared with our parents provided our roots. Their integrity and compassion provided security and love with a strong Jewish presence.
It is our honour to respect and cherish the example of Jewish family life provided by our loving parents. May we strive to live up to their values and standards. Our time on this planet is limited... but the love and the memories go on and on as a lasting legacy.
As told by Jack Cohn, Lou Cohn, Cookie Gigan, Francine Kam and Helena Posner.
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