We are proud to be inscribed into the Book of Life. To be included in this community archive with such a special group of people is an honour for us.
We are truly fortunate to be able to give back to the Jewish community through various charitable endeavours mainly through the Max & Beatrice Wolfe Charitable Foundation. In this way we can help so many organizations and new initiatives in the community while at the same time honouring our parents.
We both grew up with parents who passed down Jewish values,values that today, still resonate strongly. Max Wolfe came to Canada with almost nothing in his pocket and yet he always managed to support the day schools, the JCC and people in need. We always had a JNF box in our homes and our parents and grandparents gave us an incredible basis from which to grow and develop.
We are so lucky to see our commitment to tzedakah and involvement in the Jewish community reflected in our next generation. We encouraged our children to donate their bar and bat mitzvah gifts to causes in Toronto and Israel and are now seeing our children pass this dedication on to their children. It's the circle of life. It's all about Jewish continuity, and building a strong Jewish future.
We have always been involved in community through Hadassah-WIZO, Jewish National Fund, Mount Sinai Hospital and UJA Federation. We both believe very strongly that Jewish education is key to our children's futures and this has lead to our strong commitment to USDS, CHAT, Associated Hebrew School, Bialik Hebrew Day School and Camp Ramah.
We recently went on a UJA Prime Minister's Mission to Israel and it reconfirmed our love for this spectacular country. What Israel and her people have been able to accomplish while facing so many obstacles is remarkable. We thought of our children and grandchildren when we saw people dancing on a beach in Tel Aviv and will do everything we can to make sure they will be part of the ruach — the spirit of the future of Israel.
UJA Federation is the heart and the soul of our Jewish community and through its endowment, the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto, we established a discretionary fund, with money being directed to a number of important initiatives, helping to ensure the future of our vibrant Jewish community.
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