Who taught our parents all that they taught us? Both of our parents survived the horrors of the Shoah and lived their lives as positive role models as parents and leaders in the Jewish community.
Our mother was independent, outspoken and straightforward and there were times when she made us laugh out loud. All of her grandchildren and great grandchildren treasured her sense of humour. Our father was a kind, intelligent and respectful gentleman who always wore a suit and tie. He enjoyed sports, opera, the symphony, theatre and, most of all, he treasured his family. Sadly, he didn’t live to see any of his grandchildren get married.
Our mother was born in Poland and our father in Germany. They met and married shortly after the war and had their first child, Hinda. In 1951, they moved to Toronto to begin a new life and had their son Stanley.
Our parents embraced modernity. My mother would drive to the market in the morning to get everything for Shabbat dinner which was our special family time together. We grew up in a traditional Jewish home in which our parents taught us the values of Yiddishkeit, tzedakah and helping others in need.
Our parents taught us to be strong. They gave us confidence. They told us to use our voice. They instilled a love for Israel. They gave us these things and so much more when they were still young themselves and had few role models to teach them.
Our father worked hard to build a scrap metal business while our mother made a home for our family. They did what they could to help others both through volunteering and giving. Our mother was involved with numerous women’s groups and our father was President of Beth Jacob Synagogue for 14 years. He regularly spoke to children at high schools educating them about the Holocaust. This gave him great satisfaction.
We fondly remember our mother’s trademark red lipstick and our father’s striped ties and most importantly, we will continue their teachings about tikkun olam to our children and grandchildren.
As told by their children, Hinda Silber and Stanley Rosen
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