A Lion of Judah is an activist and a philanthropist. Her passion drives her giving.
By endowing a Lion of Judah gift, she ensures that her support continues even after she is gone.
The Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) is a key part of the Lion of Judah program. Through LOJE, Jewish women strengthen the Jewish community by providing funds to meet needs at home, in Israel and around the world.
A LOJE is created with a minimum gift of $125,000 to the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto ensuring that a $5,000 Lion of Judah gift to United Jewish Appeal’s campaign will continue every year in perpetuity.
Lions of Judah play a vital role in creating social justice, aiding the vulnerable, preserving human dignity and building Jewish identity.
They demonstrate their dedication to the Jewish community by contributing time and resources. Each woman makes an annual donation to the United Jewish Appeal that reflects her capacity to give. A Lion of Judah Endowment can be established with a gift of cash or other asset to open a LOJE Fund, by a bequest in her Will, or a gift of life insurance.
The Lions of Judah set an exemplary standard of leadership and giving.
“The concept of leaving a legacy through a bequest in your Will to the Jewish Foundation is an act each of us can do in our own way and at our own level. It is not about wealth but, rather about responsibility, commitment, and connection — about doing the right thing”.
“I have been very fortunate to grow up in the vibrant Jewish community of Toronto. In every step of my life, I have been touched by UJA from my Jewish Education, to participating in the March of the Living and an Israel Experience Trip, to my volunteer experiences, and now by raising my children as active members of the Jewish community. United Jewish Appeal has had a profound impact on my life and while my gift to the annual campaign addresses the needs of the community today, endowing my UJA gift will ensure the future is as bright as the present and that my children along with others, can have the same experiences I did, the ones that shaped me in the Jewish woman I am today. "
“I care deeply about the welfare of our people here and in Israel and am grateful to have had the opportunity and means to make a contribution. I am proud that my children and grandchildren follow my example of service to community and tzedakah, and hope that their children will carry the torch of remembrance into the future.”