Professional Advisory Committee (PAC)


Many members of our professional community see the promotion of philanthropy as one of the more meaningful aspects of their practice.


Therefore, at the Jewish Foundation, we recognize the importance of our relationships with advisors. We strive to maintain our reputation as the premier resource for legal and tax professionals who want to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the role charitable planning can have in their clients' financial and estate plans. 


The Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) consists of leading lawyers, accountants, financial planners and advisors, insurance and other professionals who are committed to supporting the Jewish Foundation's work by promoting philanthropy through their professional practices. 


Throughout the year, the Jewish Foundation works with PAC members to promote and encourage philanthropic conversations between advisors and their clients and to bring awareness to the benefits of making tax advantageous gifts.


“I am honoured to take on the role of PAC chair and help the Jewish Foundation achieve its objectives, along with our team of dedicated professional advisors. We have an incredible philanthropic Jewish community in the GTA, and I look forward to working on strategies to bring them to the Foundation!”



Chair, Professional Advisory Committee (2024-2026)


“In my two years as chair of PAC, I am impressed by the interest and support we’ve received from so many of Toronto’s professionals. Members of PAC are excellent ambassadors for the Jewish Foundation. Whether we work in law, tax, insurance, or other fields, this committee is here to support people’s philanthropic visions and help turn them into realities.”



Immediate Past Chair, Professional Advisory Committee (2022-2024)


Check out our Giving Advice Newsletter. It's a bi-annual publication written by advisors for advisors and includes topical, informative, and technical resources for your professional practices.