Book of Life Stories

Joel & Lorraine Cooper

My memory, and what initiated my sense of personal responsibility to a larger community, started when I was six years old.

For my 6th birthday, rather than the usual act of gift giving, I asked my invitees to make a contribution to the Junior Red Cross. The response from my friends and thei…

Clara & Richard Cooper

One’s deeds speak louder than words. We witnessed Richard’s parents, Sydney and Florence Cooper, giving generously of their time and money. Observing their involvement was an inspiration to us. We learned early on that giving back to one’s community is very rewarding.

We both have bee…

Congregation BINA

The Jews who dispersed thousands of years ago to different parts of the world bring many unique voices and layers to our collective Jewish identity. In Toronto, Congregation BINA represents one of those distinct communities: Jews who lived in India.

Our story goes back to the early 1960’s…

Rose z”l & Sol z”l Cohn

Jewish values and traditions had always played a important role in the lives of our parents, Rose and Sol.

Our Mother emigrated from Poland as a young child and was the second eldest of five children, the only daughter. Our Father, born in Portland, Oregon was also the second eldest but unf…

Lorne Cohn & Miriam Blumstock

I (Lorne) learned the importance of tzedakah at a young age. Both my parents were actively involved in the Winnipeg Jewish community as well as fundraising for Israel. I grew up watching my mother volunteer tirelessly for many Jewish charities including UJA and Hadassah. She learned this…